The first trimester can be a challenging journey, but there is hope- there are many tools to support your body in this season. Here are tips that may help your body adjust better to this huge transition!
1. Choose a Quality Prenatal:
Opt for a prenatal supplement that contains natural, bioavailable forms of vitamins and minerals. Avoid synthetics, as your body absorbs natural forms more efficiently. Seeking Health Optimal Prenatal is my personal favorite.
2. Prioritize Protein Intake:
Studies indicate that protein can help prevent pregnancy-related nausea. Boost your protein intake as soon as you discover you’re pregnant. Try to get started on this before your nausea sets in and you can’t stomach much.
3. Nora Tea Blend:
Incorporate Nora tea into your routine for a nourishing blend of oatstraw, alfalfa, nettle, and red raspberry leaf. While many midwives suggest avoiding red raspberry until the third trimester, the other herbs provide essential vitamins and minerals so simply leave raspberry leaf out and start including this in your daily routine! You can make your own or find it pre-mixed!
4. Natural Morning Sickness Supplements:
- ginger capsules or tea – link
- Magnesium – link
- Homeopathy based supplements specifically for morning sickness
Always consult with your healthcare provider before adding any supplements to your routine.
5. Electrolyte Drinks:
Make a big drink in the morning that includes electrolyte powder with a splash of lemon juice. There are so many brands that taste so good you will feel like you are enjoying a delicious treat.This will help you not only stay hydrated but will support your body with the minerals you need. Pickleball electrolytes from jigsaw health is my favorite. This is one of the few mixes that actually includes a significant amount of potassium.
6. Baths:
Taking a relaxing bath with epsom salts or magnesium flakes will help your aching body to rest and restore. Spend the time praying over your new baby, reading scripture or a good book and just resting your mind and body.
6. Rest:
Listen to your body and prioritize rest! Try to build lots of breaks into your day, take naps when you can, and go to sleep early.
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