As a homemaker, it is really important to me that my home is peaceful and relaxing for my family. What I have come to realize is that a minimalistic home allows me to keep my home cleaner, neater and more functional with less effort!
Now, I am not saying you have to give up all of your favorite things in order to have a peaceful relaxing home.
You can have meaningful art and special mementos around your home but so many of the things in our homes are just there because we are afraid we might need it *some day*.
A friend of mine recently did a quick declutter of her living area and her husband came home and said “Our house feels so much bigger and more spacious now!”.
Take a critical look at the things in your home and decide if you really derive value from each item or if you would be better off without it on a daily basis.
If you struggle to get rid of things, I recommend getting a box and putting these items in your garage or storage space for a few weeks or so. If you do not miss them or need them in that time, it can be easier to part with them for good!
Here are 5 easy places to start decluttering!
Go through your collection and decide how many you really need and which ones you never reach for.. Even if you can just get rid of 2-3, that will help! It is very refreshing when your cabinet does not look like the leaning tower of mugs.
Sock drawer
Go through your sock drawer and get rid of every pair that has a hole and every sock that doesn’t have a match. Simple, easy way to pair things down. Take it to the next level by getting rid of uncomfortable socks you never use- YES even if they are “nice”.
Junk drawer
This can be a big job! But let’s be honest, when you open it, you can just feel the chaos! Throw away what you no longer need and sort the rest! You will feel SO much better.
Kitchen appliances
If you use an appliance 1 time per year it might not be worth keeping. When your cabinets are not overstuffed it makes reaching for the appliances you actually use so much easier.
Pantry closet
Time to purge all of your old expired canned goods and stale crackers. I like to do this every couple weeks and then do a quick organize of things.
Start with the easiest one for you and gain momentum. Chances are when you have finished with these spaces, you will get hooked and want to tackle lots of other areas too!
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